PTA Council Meetings
PTA Council Meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of the following months at 7 pm.
All meetings are normally held at the District 205 Offices, 162 York Road.
September 03, 2024
October 1, 2024
December 03, 2024
February 04, 2025
March 04, 2025
May 06, 2025
PTA Council Officers
President | Tracy Ries |
President Elect | Jen Kramer |
Treasurer | Jill McCall |
Corresponding Secretary | Anne Zimmer |
Recording Secretary | Karen Sienko |
VP Programs | Rashidat Brobbey |
VP Scholarship | Renee Pas |
Julie McNichols |
PTA Links
The District 205 PTA Council
The Elmhurst District 205 PTA Council is comprised of PTA Presidents from each of our local PTAs.
The PTA Council provides an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and information between the local PTAs within District 205. The Council disseminates Illinois and National PTA updates, sponsors an annual community forum in conjunction with the District 205 Board of Education, organizes an annual open house of area summer camps for children, and raises funds for scholarships awarded to York High School graduating Seniors each year.
PTA Council Gift Acceptance Procedure and Timeline
Dating back to the 2022-2023 school year, the Elmhurst PTA Council is asking that PTAs share their fundraising goals and plans for the school year so that the district can plan accordingly.
PTAs are asked to submit their budgets and fundraising plans to the PTA Council Executive Board by October 1st. By October 15th, the PTA Council Executive Board will share the plans with D205 Administration and members of the Board of Education. The group will ensure that all plans fit within the larger framework of the district and allows for planning time to ensure equity.
This process gives PTA Presidents a guide to follow so they can plan accordingly and know what their role is in submitting gifts to the district. This process also appreciates the position of the Board of Education to plan thoughtfully about equity across the district and ensures that the Administration has articulated their priorities and timeline for the district improvements and advancements. The process should help eliminate most ‘ad hoc’ requests for PTAs to fund things that do not fit within their mission. Finally, it helps to give parents concrete opportunities to impact their child’s school.
The PTA Council will not be taking funds from individual PTAs or freezing PTA funds. For the complete timeline, please click here.
York Senior Scholarship, sponsored by the PTA Council
The District 205 PTA Council works hard to raise funds throughout the school year in order to award a number of scholarships to graduating York High School Seniors.
The Elmhurst Council of PTA's Scholarship is a one-year, non-renewable award, given to York Community High School (York) seniors. Award amounts are determined by the scholarship committee after the completion of its fundraisers. Applications are available in the York College & Career Resource Center.
Deadlines will be posted as soon as the information is available. If you have questions, please contact the PTA Council Scholarship Chairs.
Applicant must be a high school senior graduating from York planning to enroll in an accredited college, university, community college, trade or technical school in the fall. There are 3 scholarship criteria Academic, Commended, and General.
Type | Description |
Academic | GPA of 3.965 or higher |
Commended | GPA of 3.964 - 3.3 |
General | GPA of 3.29 or lower |
Members of the Elmhurst Council of PTA Scholarship Committee will award scholarships based on the following criteria:
Quality of the Student Statement
Involvement in school activities and positions of leadership
Participation in non-school activities
Public services, hobbies, work experience
Other interests
Scholastic ability
Determination of the scholarship winners is made in mid-April. Recipients will receive an invitation to the York Scholarship Awards Night.
Monetary Disbursement
This scholarship will be payable upon receipt of proof of enrollment. Payment will be made directly to the educational institution.