Reach Parent Group

Who We Are

The REACH Parent Group (RPG) is a committee organized and funded by the District 205 PTA Council. We are a parent group dedicated to supporting gifted and talented programs in District 205 and to encouraging higher level educational opportunities for ALL D205 students.  Our areas of focus include:

  • Providing parent and student resources for gifted and advanced learners

  • Organizing advocacy at local and national levels

  • Sponsoring and/or promoting academic-based extra-curricular activities that are accessible to all students

  • Collaborating with REACH teachers to provide additional resources and student opportunities.

Next REACH Parent Group Meeting


Last REACH Parent Group Meeting

Thank you to those parents who attended our 5/9/24 in-person meeting. Click here to see our May Meeting Minutes. 

Summer New-to-Reach Parent Meetings

The District hosted two virtual "New-to-REACH" Parent Information Sessions this summer.  The meetings included an overview of REACH programming, expectations, and summer bridge opportunities.  All of the information reviewed will be posted on the District's REACH website.

REACH Identification Process & Appeals

Families were notified of REACH placement by Friday, 2/16/24.

Appeals: Questions? Please see the D205 REACH website for more information. To view REACH appeals timelines and placement guidelines for the 2023-2024 appeals window (for placement in the 2024-2025 school year), click the grade-specific rubrics.

REACH Parent Group Communications

Please see the REACH directory and/or the REACH School Representatives webpage (currently under construction) to contact your school's REACH teacher, REACH Parent Group representative, or REACH Parent Group committee members. We are here to help you.
Please also sign up for our REACH Parent Group Communications.

2024-25 Meetings Schedule

Our REACH Parent Group (RPG) meetings are yet to be determined for the 2024-25 school year. We will do our best to ensure a mix of day and evening meetings. Some meetings will occur via ZOOM to accommodate our large group's varying schedules; however, we do plan to host some in-person meetings.


Advocacy is an important part of ensuring that your child is provided the best learning environment based on their learning abilities.  The National Association for Gifted Children is an excellent advocacy resource for working with your teachers, school, administration and/or congressman. 

The federal government plays a small role in gifted education policies and funding. Decisions are made at the state level, which then requires localities to follow the state’s guidelines on identification and programming, or allows localities to make independent decisions about gifted education. Each state, and, in some states, each district or school will have differing policies and practices related to advanced learners - The Illinois Association for Gifted Children has information on advocacy at the state level.

Helpful Links



Reach Parent Group Leadership

Chairperson &  Liaison to PTA Council and BOE

Gwen Reedy

Finance Coordinator

Elizabeth Collins

Website & Social Media Coordinator

Maureen Wilkey

Math Enrichment Coordinator  

Gwen Reedy

Secretary (Virtual Meeting Platform Coordinator & Minutes) 

Elizabeth Collins  

Newsletter Coordinator

Gwen Reedy