
Elmhurst Community Unit School District 205 has established procedures to allow for requests from parents/guardians for early entrance into kindergarten. These procedures are specifically for children who demonstrate strong readiness for kindergarten and whose fifth birthday falls after September 1 of the 2025-2026 school year. When considering early entrance into Kindergarten, keep in mind it is a process designed to meet the academic and social needs of the child. Students accepted into Kindergarten early are placed in a class where peers could be up to two years older. Because these procedures exceed State of Illinois requirements, the decision by District 205 regarding any application for early entrance into kindergarten will be final. 

Procedures for Early Entrance into Kindergarten 

The child must reside within the Elmhurst 205 boundaries and the child will not be five years of age on or before September 1 of that school term. The application process for early entrance to kindergarten opens February 1, 2025. 

STEP 1: The parent/guardian must complete and submit the Application for Kindergarten Early Entrance by May 11, 2025. Link to Application will be available here starting on February 1, 2025. 

STEP 2: The parent/guardian must have the current early childhood licensed preschool teacher complete and submit the Preschool Teacher Recommendation. The preschool teacher must submit the completed form directly to Learning Services by May 1, 2025. Link to Recommendation Form will be available here starting on February 14, 2025.

STEP 3: Proof of District 205 residency- Once the Application for Kindergarten Early Entrance is received, a confirmation email will be sent to the parent/guardian with details regarding the proof of residency process. This confirmation email will need to be presented to our District Office along with an original or certified copy of the student’s birth certificate and legal custody documents.

STEP 4: Once residency is confirmed and all forms have been accepted, the child will be scheduled for a screening. As a component of screening, the parent/guardian will receive a social/emotional learning checklist via email once residency is confirmed. A similar checklist will be emailed to the preschool teacher. Each checklist must be completed by May 30, 2025. Additional details about screening will be emailed to the parent/guardian in early June. 

STEP 5: Screening and assessment will take place at a District 205 school in June 2025. The screening may include an observation and assessment of the following: social interaction, attention and engagement, gross/fine motor, speech and language, reading, and math skills. Results of the screening and decision for eligibility to attend D205 kindergarten in the 2025-2026 school year will be shared with the parents/guardians as soon as possible after the assessment period.  

Decisions regarding eligibility for early entrance to kindergarten will be final.