All research activities carried out by both internal and external researchers involving new data collection or use of existing data that involve human subjects in Elmhurst CUSD 205 (including faculty, staff, and students) must be reviewed by the district’s Research Review Board (RRB). This requirement includes any research not being conducted by the district or its designees or primarily for non-district purposes (e.g. as part of graduate coursework).
The purpose of the RRB review is to ensure that proposed research appropriately complies with Board policy and relevant federal and state laws related to privacy, protects human subjects, involves minimal interference with instruction and school operations, and demonstrates educational and research value. The RRB is comprised of district-affiliated staff, including school and district administrators and others, who have been trained in the protection of human subjects.
Additional information on requirements and process can be found in the Research Review Board Guidelines and Application Instructions.
To submit an application after reviewing the Guidelines, download and complete the following forms as needed:
Form A: New Project Overview Information
Form B: Research Proposal
Form C: Privacy and Confidentiality Description/Assurance
Form D: Continuing or Modified Project Overview Information
Contact Director of Research and Program Analysis: Email Dr. Jacob Wertz