What is Multi-Tier System of Support (MTSS)?
Response to Instruction (RtI) also referred to as Response to Intervention is a process designed to help schools focus on high-quality instruction that is matched to student needs and is monitored on a frequent basis. School personnel use research and data to adapt instruction and to make educational program decisions for students. This enables us to promote continuing academic and behavioral success in Elmhurst District 205 for ALL students.
What are the essential components of MTSS?
Students receive high-quality, research-based instruction in their general education setting.
General education instructors and staff assume an active role in students' assessment in that curriculum.
School staff conduct universal screening of academics and behavior to determine which students need extension opportunities and which students need additional interventions and monitoring.
Multiple tiers of increasingly intense, research-based instruction and interventions are matched to student need.
Use of a collaborative team for development, implementation, and monitoring of the instruction and interventions at each tier
Continuous monitoring of student progress during instruction and interventions, using formative progress monitoring data to determine if students are meeting goals
Follow-up measures to ensure instructions and interventions are implemented as intended and with consistency.
Documentation of parent involvement throughout the process.
What is our MTSS Process?
Our system of RtI is layered into three tiers of academic and behavioral instruction explained below.
Tier 1: Core Curriculum
All Students
Whole Group/Core Instruction/Enrichment
Flexible Grouping
Tier 2 Small Group Interventions
For Some Students (At Risk)
In Addition to Tier 1
Tier 3 Intensive Interventions
For a Very Small # of Students
In Addition to Tier 1 and Tier 2
Individual Problem Solving May Occur
What are the benefits of RtI?
One of the strongest benefits of an RtI approach is that it eliminates a “wait to fail” situation because students get assistance at their level of need promptly within the general education setting. Additional benefits include the following:
Progress monitoring data drive instructional and intervention changes and keep teachers and parents informed on an ongoing basis regarding a student’s response to instruction and intervention.
Data regarding student progress are presented in a graphed format that is easy to understand.
A multi-tiered system of supports provides flexibility to access interventions or enrichment as needed. For example, if data show progress, a student can move from Tier 1 to Tier 2 and back to Tier 1 within a relatively short period of time.