Accessing the Virtual Environment
All students were assisted with signing into their District iPad, Seesaw account, and Google applications at the beginning of the school year. Before following the steps listed below, please ensure your student is logged into their Google Meet account via the Google Meet application by following these instructions: Logging into Google Meet via iPad.
Once you have verified that your student is logged into Google Meet, please follow the steps below:
Locate Clever App on the District 205 iPad and sign in using your student Clever Badge.
Once signed into Clever, Locate Seesaw and click to open the application
In Seesaw, locate and select the Google Meet link and any classroom instructions posted by the teacher.
Gmail may prompt you to sign in. Please select Sign in with Google (Google SSO) to login.
Ensure your camera is on (strongly recommended) and the microphone is on mute to start class.
Start times for the day are listed below. Please be sure to review any building-level communication for additional guidance.
Looking for further assistance? Please email: Email Flex Learning Help
Student Schedule
2nd Grade Flexible Learning Schedule Horario de aprendizaje flexible de 2. o grado | |
50% of each learning block is designated for synchronous learning. Snack / Lunch times are asynchronous. El 50% de cada bloque de aprendizaje está designado para el aprendizaje sincrónico. Los horarios de merienda y almuerzo son asincrónicos. | |
Morning meeting Reunión matutina | 8:15am - 8:35am (20 minutes / minutos) |
Instructional Minutes for ELA Minutos de enseñanza para ELA | 8:35 - 9:35am (60 minutes / minutos) |
Instructional Minutes for Math Minutos de enseñanza para matemáticas | 9:35 - 10:15 am (40 minutes / minutos) |
Acceleration Aceleración | 10:15 - 10:45am (30 minutes / minutos) |
Snack/Lunch/Break Merienda/almuerzo/descanso | 10:45 - 11:15am (30 minutes / minutos) |
Specials #1 Especiales N.° 1 | 11:15 - 11:35am (20 minutes / minutos) |
Specials #2 Especiales N.° 2 | 11:35 - 11:55am (20 minutes / minutos) |
Instructional Minutes for ELA Minutos de enseñanza para ELA | 11:55am - 12:25pm (30 minutes / minutos) |
Instructional Minutes for Math Minutos de enseñanza para matemáticas | 12:25 - 1:15pm (50 minutes / minutos) |
Additional Student Support / Teacher PLC / Plan Apoyo adicional al estudiante/PLC del maestro/Plan | 1:50 - 3:00pm (asynchronous / minutos) |