Pre-Season Lifting Starts Tuesday 10/29
Players who are not in season should attend every workout session to prevent injury, prepare your body for the season, and get to know your teammates. Failure to attend will only hinder our teams' success.
Tuesdays / Thursdays 3:15-4:15
Be athletically dressed (gym shoes, and workout clothes) at 3:15pm in the Fitness Center.
Activity Bus is available for transportation at 4:30.
Program Information
Frosh/Soph Lacrosse Practice: Practices are Mon-Fri 4:00-6:00pm. Bus leaves York at 3:45 and Returns to York at 6:00pm. Equipment storage in South Gym Storage from 7:00-7:25am.
Varsity/ JV- Practices are Mon-Fri 4:00-6:00pm at Berens Park; Sat 10:00am-Noon.
Schedule: Practices are Monday-Friday 4-6pm at Berens Park. Saturday practices are in the AM. Games for freshmen are typically around 4 or 4:30 after school, and some Saturday Mornings. JV and Varsity games are in the evenings. Freshman do have the option to be busses to and from York for practice.
York Lacrosse only provides equipment during the season only