Booster Board

The York Athletic Boosters board is a parent volunteer organization that raises funds to support and enhance the athletic programs at York. Board membership is open to any parent having a student at York High School, and new members are installed in May of each year. To learn more about joining the Boosters board, please contact Board President Jeff Proctor.


Jeff Proctor - President 

Kristen Jacobs - Vice President   

Jen Roach - Treasurer            

Courtney Hesch - Secretary            

Committee Chairs

  • Apparel -  Jill Hansmann And Abby Kohl  

  • Communications - Jeanne Tuerk       

  • Concessions - Liz Downey

  • Green Scene - Tracey Stewart  

  • Membership - Bonny Procajlo And Mindi Honken

  • Sponsorship - Matt Bute

 Board Members

  • Kate Bialecki

  • Jenn Bonn

  • Marion Conners

  • Adrianna Cooke

  • Karen Crum

  • Rebecca Dewbray

  • Megan Hood

  • Becky Iacob

  • Tina Jordanof

  • Athena Kampas

  • Ann Lasn

  • Julie Leischner

  • Sue Lisowski

  • Cari Matykiewicz

  • Jayme McConnell

  • Andrew Morgan

  • Diana Moujouros

  • John Navarre

  • Andrea O'Connor

  • Ken Padgett

  • Christina Piper 

  • Lisa Ruggieri

  • Linda Stephens

  • Colleen Tinch

  • Maria Toliopoulos

  • Emily Winters

  • Megan Winton