York High School Information Page

Accessing the Virtual Environment

  1. Using your District 205 Chromebook, log into Schoology and select the appropriate class.

  2. Locate and select the Google Meet Folder in the appropriate course.

  3. Click on the Google Meet link, which will open a new browser window and launch the virtual meeting.

  4. Ensure your camera is on (strongly recommended) and the microphone is on mute to start class. 

  5. Start times for the day are listed below. Please be sure to review any building-level communication for additional guidance.

You can also Email Flex Learning Help for further assistance.  

Student Schedule

York High School Flexible Learning Schedule

50% of each period is designated for synchronous learning. Lunch times are asynchronous.

Period 1

7:40 - 8:18

Period 2

8:23 - 9:01

Period 3

9:06 - 9:44

Period 4a

9:49 - 10:06

Period 4b

10:11 - 10:27

Period 5a

10:33 - 10:50

Period 5b

10:55 - 11:11

Period 6a

11:16 - 11:33

Period 6b

11:38 - 11:54

Period 7

11:59 - 12:37

Period 8

12:42 - 1:20

Additional Student Support / Teacher PLC / Plan

1:25 - 3:06