Elmhurst District 205 has launched a strategic planning process to define the future direction for District 205 schools. The creation of a strategic plan provides an opportunity to further align the work at the schools to achieve ambitious goals for our future and provides a basis to implement, measure, and communicate key indicators of success for our students.
The process is designed to engage all district stakeholders – including parents, teachers, administrators, staff, students, and community residents – in developing a shared future vision for the District. Involvement of stakeholders from every corner of the community will result in a long-term framework for decision-making that builds upon the common values held by the community.
Between March-May 2022, District 205 will be soliciting input from across the community. Community members will be invited to participate in both focus groups and an online survey.
The process will include three phases:
Phase 1 - Inclusive Engagement: A thorough process of community engagement will be facilitated to establish the current state of reality in the District and a shared vision of the future through focus groups, interviews, community surveys, public forums and a review of District performance data.
Elmhurst CUSD - 205 State of the District Survey ResultsPDF (April 2022)
Elmhurst CUSD 205 - Community Engagement for Strategic Planning ReportPDF
(April 2022)Phase 2 - Focus and Plan for the Future: A Strategic Planning Committee made up of a variety of stakeholders will review insights and priorities gathered during Phase I and make recommendations for the Portrait of the Graduate.
Phase 3 - Implement and Evaluate Impact: Educator workgroups will develop strategic goals with objectives, strategic indicators, action plans, timelines, roles and required resources. A publicly available Strategic Dashboard will be created to monitor progress towards the shared vision for the District.