Please inform the school nurse of any possible illnesses/disease your child may be diagnosed with.
The special needs of students with chronic health conditions are complex and continuous. The school nurse has a pivotal role in:
interpreting a student’s health status;
explaining the health impairment to the school team;
translating the healthcare provider orders into the school setting by developing Individualized Healthcare Plans;
providing assessment, direct care, coordination and evaluation of care;
providing nursing delegation that aligns with state nurse practice acts, rules and regulations; and
advocating for appropriate accommodations in the educational setting (Leroy, Wallin, & Lee, 2017; McClanahan & Weismuller, 2015; NASN, 2015; Zirkel, Granthom, & Lovato, 2012).
Additionally, some students with chronic and acute health conditions may be eligible for homebound or hospital based services and instruction. Click here for more information.