This page contains detailed information about the Beginning Band and Orchestra program in District 205 as well as how to register your student. For a brief overview of the information below, consider watching the informational slideshow here.
District 205 Elementary Instrumental Music Program Description
This program includes two components: Instrument Lessons and Ensemble Rehearsals. Attendance at both is required of all students enrolled in band or orchestra. There is a District fee of $30.00 for participation in the program. This fee covers instruction for one school year and does not include the cost of instrument rental, method books, or accessories. Families who are eligible for free/reduced lunch or fee waivers are also eligible to have this fee waived.
Band and Orchestra Instrument Lessons
Instrument lessons focus on individual musical performance skills. Students enrolled in band or orchestra will attend one 30-minute small-group instrument lesson per week during the regular school day. Students leave their regular classes to attend their instrument lessons, taught in a small group of approximately two to five students. During lessons, directors demonstrate and explain instrument-specific concepts and skills, teach students to read standard music notation, and assess individual progress. Lessons will begin in September, Directors will distribute a lesson schedule to all students approximately one week in advance.
Band and Orchestra Ensemble Rehearsals
Ensemble rehearsals focus on group performance in Band or Orchestra. These rehearsals occur weekly at your home school and will begin in September. During ensemble rehearsals, directors teach students to perform together as a large group and prepare music for two or three performances per year. Families must provide their own transportation for ensemble rehearsals. Busing may be available depending on which school the student attends, additional information will be provided where applicable. Directors will distribute a rehearsal schedule to all students approximately one week in advance.