2023–2024 PTA Board:
Co-Presidents: Lisa Wormer and Anne-Marie Gustafson
First Vice President: Kristen Gryglas
VP of Events/Programs: Leslie Boeckel
VP of Membership: Jenna Oskin
Treasurer: Rema Farias
Secretary: Marcie Schmidt
Standing Committees
6th-Grade Social: Kerri Matusek
7th-Grade Social: Vanessa Lesniak
8th-Grade Social: Tina Jordanof
8th-Grade Dance: Tina Jordanof
8th-Grade Promotion Reception: OPEN
Audit Committee YE 2021: Amanda Smelser
Churchville Charge: Sheri Styczen
Communications: Christy Gumbach
Directory: Kerry Galarza
Eat & Earn: Leslie Boeckel
Fundraising: Tina Czerwinski
Honor Roll Breakfast: Armela Kamenica
Library Coordinator (Volunteers/Book Fair): Armela Kamenica
Locker Day: Bernice DeCristofaro and Vanessa Lesniak
School Supply Boxes: Aileen Plamann
Science Olympiad: OPEN
Social Dance: 7th Grade: Laura Yates, and Anne Marie Gustafson
Social Dance: 8th Grade: Christy Marcuccelli
Stock Our Shelves: Stephanie Wieczorek
Teacher Appreciation: Sarah Richerson and Angela Hedworth
Veterans Day Reception: Bernice DeCristafaro and Matt Lanoue
Volunteer Coordinator: OPEN
PBIS Parent Liaison: OPEN
REACH Parent Group: Lynn Taub
Reflections: Tracy Tomasetti and Judith Barrientos
Scholarship: Zahra Suratwala
Summer Rec Open House: Jennifer DeBosschere